Healthy living has been a focus for over 25 years. Raised by a cake decorator, I always loved the celebration found in foods and nourishing families and friends. I have journeyed through becoming a vegetarian, a vegan, a macrobiotic student, a blood type diet student returning to meat, gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free. Inventing new recipes, remaking classics in the various diet needs, and experimenting with healthy desserts are passionate places I plan on enjoying my entire life. When I look back from my nineties, I want to see that I've written and shared topics with these titles:
"The ELegant Journey from Loss Defining Us to Loss Informing Us" "College Survival Recipe Guide~How to Stock Up for Healthy, Fast Eating when the Cafeteria Just Won't Do" "Leftover Rice" ~ Throwing Together 25 Fabulous DIshes INSTEAD of Throwing it OUT" "How I Made Up Over 1,000 Bedtimes Stories on the Spot ~ Accessing Your Secret Story Spirit Guide" "Authentic Dancing ~ Daily Meditations & Exercise Guide for the Perimenopausal Woman"