Stressed out families, individuals and children of all ages find Rosita Alvarez deeply nourishes them physically, emotionally, spiritually and metaphysically. She enjoys being a part of removing the "OW" out of life and relationships and bringing back in the awe and wonder as a compassionate healer practicing Resonance Repatterning for over 22 years. Therapeutic applications of sound, light, energy, reiki, massage, art and dance are passions of hers for over 25 years. A humbling awakening happened while dancing and sculpting in 1989 that led to a heightened and surprising awareness of energy beyond her fingertips. Painting portfolio click here. By sensitively discerning energy fields, she found she was able to tap or merge into others and thus began a lifelong study of many ancient & modern systems of healing to refine her abilities and stay grounded in service. Click here for Services. Healthy living has been a focus as she is inspired by her four children. She always loved the celebration found in foods and nourishing families and friends. She has journeyed through becoming a vegetarian, a vegan, raw foodist, a macrobiotic student, Engine 2 Plant Strong diet, a blood type diet student returning to meat, living gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free. Inventing new recipes, remaking classics in the various diet needs, and experimenting with healthy desserts are passionate places she plans on enjoying her entire life. She loves being on the Modern Holistic Health team where all aspects of a clients health root causes can be addressed. She is a leader in energy medicine here co-creating the year long Mind Body Energy Program. Called the "IDEA LADY", she applies her visionary eye, super creative abilities, and warm personality to the healing arts and business development. She creates warmth instantly with people and can speak well to anyone of any age or background. Rosita's deep listening skills, bright mind, huge heart and years of experience allow her to reach far into the needs of organizations, teams and individuals. Traveling through sudden widowhood in 2003 has been a journey that calls her to be grateful for each moment and to be creative with determination and alacrity. When she looks back from her nineties, she wants to see that she has written and shared topics with these titles: "The Elegant Journey from Loss Defining Us to Loss Informing Us" --working on this one first! "How I Made Up Over 1,000 Bedtimes Stories on the Spot ~ Accessing Your Secret Story Spirit Guide" "Authentic Dancing ~ Daily Meditations & Exercise Guide for the Perimenopausal Woman" Rosita Alvarez is quite proud to be a 6th generation descendant of the Angel of Goliad. |
+ 20+ years as a Holistic Health Practitioner
+ Extensive Knowledge of Marketing for Small Businesses
+ Proven Visionary Leadership with Heart, Integrity and Abundant Energy
+ Excellent Communicator with Keen Interpersonal Intelligence
+ Fine Artist, Business Consultant
+ 20+ years as a Holistic Health Practitioner
+ Extensive Knowledge of Marketing for Small Businesses
+ Proven Visionary Leadership with Heart, Integrity and Abundant Energy
+ Excellent Communicator with Keen Interpersonal Intelligence
+ Fine Artist, Business Consultant
Website developed and maintained by Rosita Alvarez. 512-736-1905
All images are copyright 2010 Rosita Alvarez and may not be used without prior written permission from Ms. Alvarez.